Long vs. Short: Why the Length of a Dog Leash Matters

Choosing a leash for your pet may seem like a simple decision, but you might be surprised at the number of options available today.  Because a leash is necessary for keeping your pet safe and protecting others, you want to make a wise choice. Leashes come in a variety of sizes, lengths, materials, and even designer styles.  Should you choose a bridle leather dog leash, a colorful nylon leash, a short one, or a long one?

Long vs. Short Leashes:  Why Does it Matter?

Several factors you need to consider when choosing the perfect leash include your lifestyle, the size of your pet, and the environment where you’ll be walking with your furry friend.  If you enjoy biking with your dog, a long leash is best. But, if you walk through congested areas like city streets or parks, a short leash is the safer option.


Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of each style to help you make an informed choice.  


  • Short Leash
    • A short 4 to 6-foot leash is ideal for walking pets in highly trafficked areas.
    • Keeps your dog from getting too close to others.
    • Prevents your pet from getting tangled up around poles and lampposts.
    • Keeps your pet from wandering before he has been properly trained to heel.
    • Gives your pet a little room to explore without leaving too much slack that will get wrapped around your legs or your pet’s.
    • Can feel restrictive to your pet, causing him to pull and tug.


  • Long Leash
    • Longer leashes of 8 to 10-feet or more in length are great for training purposes.
    • Allows you to keep control of your pet while giving him a sense of freedom.  
    • Gives you a chance to teach your pet to respond to commands if he is farther away from you.
    • Your pet should be well-trained in controlled situations before walking him with a long lead.
    • Requires constant attention to prevent dragging and tangling.


After you’ve determined the appropriate leash length for you and your pet, you can get to the fun part.  Choosing a fabric and color gives you an opportunity to express your pet’s personality and breed. You can even add a little bling to make him or her feel special.  But, this involves making more decisions. Do you prefer a leather dog leash or one made of nylon, or would a chain leash be best? Can you find a leash and collar that is both attractive and durable?  


Should You Choose Nylon or Leather Dog Leashes?


Both nylon and leather are durable materials that make excellent leashes and collars for your pet.  Nylon is less expensive and ideal for climates that are humid. But, it’s not difficult for your pet to chew through this fabric.  In contrast, a leather dog leash is very durable and more comfortable because it softens over time. Leather is also less likely to damage your pet’s skin or fur.  And, let’s not forget your comfort. A leather leash is more comfortable for you because it won’t chafe your hand and is less slippery.

At Quality Leather Dog Collars, you will find a variety of attractive styles and colors in both nylon or leather collars and leashes.  We also offer custom dog leashes of various lengths that will be right for your pet’s needs. Our leather products are made from premium quality English Bridle Leather and Elk and Bison Leathers.  You can also choose matching leather collars and leads. Visit our website today and explore the assortment of sizes, styles, and colors to find the perfect accessory for your best friend. We hope you enjoy shopping with us.